Thursday, October 15, 2009

Advance Australia Fair

First there was the booze restrictions at the Bathurst 1000 supercar races, then the Blackface uproar, then some of the UK's finest minds (big Charlie Tinsley included) can't recognise the PM, and now this - midget racing! It's all in the link, but basically, after a couple of weeks of absolute PR shockers for the country, the organisers of a horse race meet thought it'd be a winner to go ahead with the "Midget's Cup", where three 'people of slight stature' getting togged up in racing colours and get piggy-backs down the home straight from three lucky punters. It was in The Current, I assume as none of you read such filth you may not yet be aware of the latest winner from the Lucky Country.

What's equally funny is the backlash response you get from a sizable section of the population - it doesn't matter what it is, there'll always be folk who knee-jerk a defence - in all those cases it was against the "fun police" and PC brigade who aim to spoil the fun of those they don't agree with. They've got a point, up to a point, but blackface for christ sake?! After getting hammered from a section of the press and public (in classic American 'you ain't from round here, don't be telling us what we can and can't do' style) Connick Jnr's come out again this week and said he still believes what he did was right! It's brilliant living here sometimes, you think you know the score, then suddenly find yourself in some weird episode of In Sickness And In Health, with half the country ranting on like Alf Garnett about there being nowt wrong with what they're doing.

Not near me of course, I work at the ABC and half our staff are black alcoholic midgets.

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