Thursday, April 23, 2009

The first day of my new life

It's a very exciting day. As I sit here and loaf at work Sky+, or Foxtel IQ as it's known here, is getting installed in the house. I've absolutely no idea why we didn't get it installed a year ago, but the fact that we didn't makes today all the more exciting. Terrestrial telly here is pelt and we haven't even had a video to tape stuff, so having the ability to pause, rewind, and record stuff is going to put me over the edge for the next few weeks. This is as close to feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve as I've come for a very long time. Fox Sports shows Saturday afternoon games live and tomorrow it's West Ham v Chelsea kicking off at midnight (the time difference currently nine hours, obv...). But you can also red button the other 3pm games and watch them live an'all, so Everton v Man City might be worth a look, or Hull v Liverpool if the scousers ain't cruising it. And there's Fox Sports News, and I think ESPN show some decent live European games as well as the American stuff... yes please Jean!

You'd never willingly choose to do it, but being deprived of something so good for a stretch makes getting it back all the more exciting. We also got a perfect nick 70s leather sofa set on Ebay for an absolute steal (hundred bucks, less than fifty quid), and that got deilvered this morning, so Santa's been for both residents of Carter Street today (obviously I'm whipped and frenzied about the idiot box, the missus is chuffed about making the gaff nicer in general).

Tonight I shall be buying a six pack of strong continental on the way home and sitting in front of the box grinning like Dave when he's just remembered that someone owes him a fiver.

1 comment:

danny said...

that's a beautiful thing. Any word yet on what their coverage of the lower league play-offs will be? Imagine the thrill of being on the other side of the world being able to simultaneously join us in the collective cry of "oh for fuck's......." when nutter shanks a clearance, or "stupid prick" as fuller crashes through the opposition's journeyman midfielder for a needless booking, or, my person favourite, "not that cunt" when we bring on Miller with 20 minutes to go. Not too mention sharing the whole experience with Anna too.....