Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Power & The Glory

After the 0-0 thrilla of the Queensland game, my mate Luke blagged us corporate box 'Chairman's Lounge' tickets to the Perth Glory game on Saturday night (his brother's mate organises the half-time entertainment for the stadium). I've never had a prawn sandwich at any of the big clubs but these boys are rolling out the client carpet in order to attract the big money to the game. We turned up half an hour before kick off just in time to see the last of the two course meal we could have had disappear (obviously we didn't realise they laid one on or would have been there getting stuck in instead of down the pub). But is was a free bar all game and they wheeled Pim Verbeek into the lounge just before kick off to be interviewed about the great things he's got planned for the Australian team. They had ice boxes filled with bevvie next to your seats and the injured players like Juninho were knocking about with their kids. The free beer took the sting out of the game - Perth have been rooted to the bottom of the table for most of the season yet they gave Sydney a good shoe-ing, having been a bogey team for the blues so far this season (two draws), who had their chances in an end-to-end game and started the second half well (once they were two nil down) but proper schoolboy defensive errors let Perth runaway with it. Apologies for the mistake I made in the post about the Queensland game - Ian Fyfe has been playing right back and it's him that's completely useless, as he was this Saturday an'all. Michael Bridges bagging one in the last minute left the scoreline flattering for the blues but they never looked like winning it.
They have a do in the 36 Degrees bar in Star City after every match that some of the players are made to go to but it's miles away in Darling Harbour so we sacked it and went down the pub instead. The Sydney Morning Herald's report is here Meanwhile big Anthony LaPaglia's been talking about how he's eager to get stuck back into the club once he's finished being a star in Hollywood Madness...

See Jaws crashed out first round again? He'll be spewing and looking to punch someone in the throat no doubt... result for Mardell though.

1 comment:

danny said...

just watching the highlights on sky, that's a big old stadium. You'll be pleased to hear colin monk got stuffed by dennis ovens today, didn't win a leg