Saturday, November 17, 2007

...And Why Not?

(Jonathan's alright, but Barry will always be the man)

There's an old art-deco cinema up the road, with the main screen having an old fashioned organ that rises up through the floor on special occasions, Saturday nights etc. I've been up there twice recently, once to see "Waitress", which was alright for a bit of a chick flick, made slightly more interesting by the fact that the lass who wrote, directed and appeared in it was murdered and it made to look like a suicide not long after it was finished.
"Tell No One" was better. It was out in the UK in the summer but it's pretty new here, and is a French thriller based on an American book. It's interesting to see the French depart from their usual "the plight of the human condition" mood pieces, normally filmed in black and white and about two gay fellys who see each other every day at the local cafe but never admit that they're in love with one another (err, probably).
It's good to see their take on a thriller and even better not seeing Willis tooling about in a syrup giving it the large. The main boy in it is the spit of Dustin Hoffman mind, so much so that it's quite distracting for the first wee while, in the same way that the German lad in (the Oscar-winning) 'The Lives Of Others' was the double of Kevin Spacey.

So, in conclusion then, Waitress: no that great. Tell No One: Defo worth seeing. Join us next week when we ask "Paul Hogan, where are you now?"


Dan said...

I've just been given a signed copy of Barry Norman's Christmas Movie Quiz "Dan - Best Wishes, Barry Norman"

Kel said...

nicely, that's brilliant (and I'm sure it was a highlight for Barry an'all!) I can remember Film '85, but got properly into from '87, and can remember Bazza reviewing the John Cleese classic Clockwise, of which I seem to recall he was very kind.

danny said...

the picture of the guy from the lives of others always reminds me of the fella who followed lando around in star wars, to the extent that for a while I thought it was a sci-fi film.

Dan said...

randomly I can only clearly remember him reviewing Waterworld, of which i seem to recall he wasn't very kind...
saw a French film recently called The Serpent, which again was a good little thriller just couldn't get over the way they dressed, baggy shiny leather jackets for example...