Monday, November 5, 2007


G’day brothers! I’ve finally got here, and finally got some type of blog up and running. I reckon I can just bang on about the stuff I’ve been up to and save typing the same thing in five different emails (or copying and pasting if you’re Dumville – ooosha!), and you can leave comments or questions which will get us all ‘talking’ in the same place. Hopefully summat like that anyway. I took the picture on the top right hand side myself, one of the upsides of living with Anna’s mum for a bit is that she lives in a stunning location and this view is thirty seconds walk from her house. It was hot when I got here on Sunday and I went for a swim in the local pool (also a short stroll from the house), a picture of which can be found here I know, I know... but I’ve got to start this thing with one decent/shocking view! It’s going to quickly descend into inane ramblings about how corn flakes taste different here or whatever. I'll balance it out by saying I didn't get an interview for that MTV job. It was more of a techie 'project manager' role and I was considered too editorial, so I'm not choked.

Got here on Sunday after a twenty hour flight from New York, which went off without a hitch. Left Friday evening and completely lost Saturday due to crossing the dateline from east to west, which was weird. Just one wee point though – never fly United if you can help it! They were the only ones who offered tickets on the route and time we wanted, and they’re terrible. Having to buy an awful sandwich Easyjet-style on a six hour flight from NY to LA was almost funny. On account of getting bad seats on the flight over from London and me being such a lean and athletic type, we got upgraded to ‘premium economy’ for the journey but all they’ve done is effectively create a fourth class and called it regular economy. You had to walk through it to go to the lav and it was mayhem. Remember that time coming back from Edinburgh on the train, when you had to leave first class to go to the toilet? It was like that, except you returned to a seat that was like any normal one you’d expect anywhere else, and for that you normally pay 85% more than economy. And the food! What’s the deal with that… (I’m not going into a Seinfeld stand up routine about the grub, but it was meatloaf. Seriously).

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