It wasn't my first choice but Universal are twats and have removed the ability to embed the video I was originally going to stick up, but that's made it a 2-for-1 Brucey so click here and let it all come flooding back once again...
I'm currently under the speaker in the meat room pretending to do my laces up, but I'll see you up the fish room for the tikka bites in a minute. Dave, no doubt, is in the khazi with the latest Andy McNabb.
What's your favourite current method of skiving? No one can see my screen and thankfully long gone are the days when the boss/chargehand could tell if you were working or not just by looking at you, so most of my loafing consists of looking at stuff online. Unsurprisingly enough, today has been mostly about looking up old videos on Youtube. I've got an absolute stormer coming for you soon...