Friday, November 21, 2008

Bay 8 lads! BAY 8!

It wasn't my first choice but Universal are twats and have removed the ability to embed the video I was originally going to stick up, but that's made it a 2-for-1 Brucey so click here and let it all come flooding back once again...

I'm currently under the speaker in the meat room pretending to do my laces up, but I'll see you up the fish room for the tikka bites in a minute. Dave, no doubt, is in the khazi with the latest Andy McNabb.

What's your favourite current method of skiving? No one can see my screen and thankfully long gone are the days when the boss/chargehand could tell if you were working or not just by looking at you, so most of my loafing consists of looking at stuff online. Unsurprisingly enough, today has been mostly about looking up old videos on Youtube. I've got an absolute stormer coming for you soon...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Up to here

Well, The Charlies played their first ever gigs down under, and according to this review, Friday's Sydney show was a stormer. (Weird that the lad dong the review has probably never seen them before, and probably doesn't know they always finish with Sproston Green).

I remember being told about them coming here but then I forgot and by the time I remembered it had sold out. The Forum is a new venue next to the SCG at Fox Studios and holds 1500, though it feels like less. There were hardly any tickets on ebay or Gumtree (though plenty of 'tickets wanted' posts from Brits now living here) but on the Thursday I got a call from the one lad who had a spare and was taking offers, my $100 offer was a winner apparently (they'd cost $61). I arranged to meet him outside the venue at half seven the next night so was over the moon when he phoned up at half five on the night and said there'd been a mix up and there weren't a spare.

Suffice to say I did not have the last laugh and was not loving the Drake. Mind you, I managed to go home and not lose the rag at the missus for something/anything, so there ya go, I'm growing as a human.

The Artic Monkeys are playing side shows to the Big Day Out in January, they go on sale December 1st, and whilst I'm not overly fussed, I'm feeling the pain of missing out on seeing the charlies so there's a good chance I'll be at my computer come 8.59am on the first of next month.

Monday, November 17, 2008

God complex

Wee fat men who've seen better days, wearing tracksuits and sporting mullets, getting off planes from Spain - not an unusual sight at Glasgow airport, and if he had been cluctching a duty free carrier bag and a massive hangover (as well as third degree sunburn) he might have slipped unoticed onto the coach... then again, as the reports mention, he did cheat Engand out of the opportunity to crash out of the '86 world cup one round closer than they did, and that's always going to be celebrated by Scotsmen who care less for the upholding of the beautiful game's good name.


Friday, November 14, 2008


I've got an obvious reminder that I've been here a year now: it's Movember again. When I got here last year I thought the whole gaff had gone Hoxton when everyone was kicking about in shockin' mowsers. It was about two weeks before I learnt it was a charity thing. A charity thing which unfortunately gets hijacked by all the whoppers and numpties, so it gets a swerve.