A lad at my work took this picture on Monday morning, this truck was seen scudding round the CBD ushering in a cheerful start to the week for the ex-pat community in Sydney. There's slightly less of them here than there are arsed-off Aussies, which made it all the funnier. (click on the pic to get a bigger version, this was taken on the corner of George Street and Bridge Street). The story's on
The Current's website here
On the news they were saying how Kevin Rudd was looking into starting a National Lottery to raise more money for the next Olympic campaign, prompting the impartial BBC newsreaders to repeatedly use the phrase "If you can't beat them, replicate their primary source of funding".
they're not the only ones, the french have started having a winge now, saying that they would never boost thier performance by concentrating on a few minority sports. I don't know what's wrong with these people, it's not like we lord every minor sporting achievement over them for the next 50 years or anything......
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