Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How're the Euros going?

How's the football going? I'm reading about the results online, and I saw the Holland goals the other night, but apart from that, I've seen nowt. The games are on normal telly here, but they're slap bang in the middle of the night, where a late night or an early rise are no use. In a piece of scheduling genius that I can only put down to some dark commercial pact I'm unaware of, the highlights package on terrestial channel SBS is on at 5.30pm every night, surely the exact time when most normal people are right in the middle of their commute. The swines. It finishes at half six, which is normally when I walk through the door.
I could Sky+ it (Foxtel IQ it) if I had Sky+, but in a move that'll shock you, the fuckers are as bad out here as they are back home and we've been trying to get them to come and install it for weeks. They came wih the wrong stuff the first time, didn't tell us they were coming the second, and trying to book a third that suits all parties is... well, you know the drill.

The big sporting news here tonight is that Queensland pulled their socks up from the first best-of-three State Of Origin clash and murdered NSW in the second. All to play for in the decider on July 2nd.


danny said...

I've not really watched much of it, and I've certainly not been that bothered by any results, except that I seem to have turned it into my own personal festival of betting. The first match kicks off each day at five, so I have a daily quid with the two lads who sit around me on the result at half time. Then, that drags me on to betfair for a little look at what might make things interesting. Finally, I've an ongoing daily bet with handa on each game, tonight I've got the draw in the first game and then 27 fouls or less in the swiss turkey match later. I'm currently about quits overall. I've stuck a cheeky bet on Croatia to win the whole thing, but that's really only because my dad had and I would have been sick if he'd won and I hadn't got involved. I'm thinking it might get a bit more interesting on a football level when the knock-out stuff kicks in, but then it tends to become more about who you don't won't to win (Germany, France, Portugal) than any real affection for anyone. Certainly I was much more excited by the UK Open darts last weekend, and a trip to the Oval for Kent v Surrey 20/20 this friday also has the edge.
Is there much interest in it at your work?

Kel said...

is there much interest in the english 20/20 or the darts? daft question for me to ask, as there's very little interest in either. It's a bit like America here in that respect, unless there's an Aussie playing (Warne when at Hampshire, Kewell for the scousers etc) they don't give a flying one about anything. But if there is, then they'll go big and bang on for hours about third place in the disabled tiddlywinks world championships. I'm dreading the Olympics... seeing as they normally do disproportionately well the hype's already close to what it is back home just before England go into a major football competition (when they qualify).

danny said...

I did mean is there more interest in the euros. Or has interest in football waned since the sheliaroos lost to Iraq? That's a huge match in Qater coming up on saturday

Kel said...

Ah, I get ya, sorry. Yeah, there's a fair bit of interest, mainly due to there being large Italian, Croation and Greek communities over here, with a fair few Germans and Turks bunged in (and there's a tipster competition run by an Aussie-Russian lad called Yury). Funnily enough there was plenty of coverage for Harry Kewell and his winning header for the Iraq match they won the week before, not so much for the loss last weekend. It's a funny contrast - England cover a loss or a win in equal measure: any win means it's time to start dreaming of '66, any loss means it's time for the manager's head on a pole, but here they play up the wins and play down the losses. I supoose they can do that football as it's not the national game, it's a different story with the cricket.