It's still there! This is only going to matter to Mick, Harj and Dan, but I was going down Liverpool Street the other day on my way to the Darlo Bar after the cricket and saw the record shop you chaps used to live next to. Still going in these days of downloads, but it had a sign in it's window that made think: I didn't know if it meant the shop was for sale, or if it was a sign playing on the name of the shop and advertising a record collection for sale - what do you reckon?

Oh to run a record shop and just hang out eh! Proper High Fidelity stuff.
Was chatting to Mike about this at the weekend and we're pretty sure we used to live right next door, which would now appear to be "Char Grilled Chicken"?
It was that side was it! I knew you lived next door, but I thought it would have been in the block of flats on the other side. Madness... I'll give the scran a bash next time I'm passing, but it'll have to go some to live up to the high standard I grew accustomed to over four years of fine dining at the Highbury Park branch of Chicken Cottage.
to replace my bed with a place that fries chicken - how apt, i wouldnt of wanted anything else..
Kel you've gotta try it, although nothing can replace cottage chicken...
just think what if you brought the chicken shop and the record store, knocked the wall on the first floor and lived above and managed both..now would that not be the dream..i reckon thats my destiny..
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