It's a sit in the toilet sort of day. I properly can't be arsed. Dunno what it is, I haven't got a hangover, but I'm muchos underwhelmed with this whole work thing today. Still, that means I'm updating this thing, which makes a change.
Is anyone going to Glastonbury this year? The best they can do with the weather report is that 'it won't be as bad as last year' ?! Fook me, they'd have to cancel it if it was looking like it might be, no? Which raises an interesting question – when would it be? Personally it'd be when the Kaiser Chiefs were headlining and The Fratellis were on just before them. The Fratellis are playing here in August and there's a lot of chatter and excitement about said gigs. Yep, they still like their rock very uncomplicated here, mind you when I went to see them at Brixton Academy last year, at the start of a three night sell-out run (free tickets, the worst gig I'd seen in a very long time), the crowd there were going bananas an'all, so there y'are.
I'm much more into the new one from The Music. Took me a couple of listens, and I thought it was a bit straight ahead and electronic to begin with, which it is compared to the old stuff, but it's a grower and there's some cracking tunes on it. My favourite at the moment is 'The Price', which is an extra track on the digipak/special edition. I've only read recently about his drug and booze grief, and his stint in rehab, though with tunes called 'the spike' and 'drugs' it's not too subtle.
You know his problem of course? He's never done a propers days work in his life. A few weeks down ADL makes men of us all. Or stick him in an office for years and let him flirt with the ecstacy that it reading the Metro in the shitter.
Did anyone go to the Isle Of White festival? Apart from the obvious examples (Ian Brown), I thought the line up for that was a total shocker an'all. Are festivals trying to discourage people these days?
Heard the new Verve track? Pish. It's the soundtrack to buying a well designed yet reasonably priced Swedish coffee table.